Restake & Unstake

Mind Network dApp on testnets:

Navigate to 'Restake'


Step 1: Open dApp and connect your MetaMask wallet

Please make sure you are connected to the Ethereum Sepolia testnet and have acquired test ETH tokens for paying the gas fees.

How to add a custom network to MetaMask wallet
  • Through the Mind Network dApp:

Choose the network you wish to connect to (for example, Ethereum Sepolia), then click on it. and MetaMask will ask for your permission to add the network. Upon approval, it will seamlessly integrate into your MetaMask settings.

Step 2: Mint the test liquid staking tokens LSTs

Choose Test Tokens (aiETH or mindETH) and Claim by clicking the corresponding buttons, then confirm the transactions in your wallet. This will result in the minting of 100 aiETH and 100 mindETH.

Step 3: Select the token you want to stake

Upon clicking the Stake button of each LST, you will be directed to the following interface.

Step 4: Enter the amount and stake

Refresh the balance and you will see the available amount of LST to stake, enter the amount and click "Stake". You'll need to Approve token spending in your MetaMask wallet (being the first time staking a token on Mind Network), then you will be prompted to confirm the Stake transaction.

Step 5: Confirm the transaction in your wallet

Upon successful completion, the staked balance will be visible within the dApp.


About the withdraw delay set for these two test LSTs:

  • aiETH (withdrawal delay: no)

  • mindETH (withdrawal delay: 5 mins)

The unstaking process of mindETH on the testnet will remain pending for 25 blocks, which is approximately 5 minutes, before it is unlocked. However, please note that the length of the pending period may vary on the mainnet.

Step 1: Navigate to the "Unstake" tab, enter the amount, and proceed to initiate the Withdraw.

In case of aiETH, the withdraw will be immediate.

If you're unstaking mindETH, after confirming the transaction in your wallet, you should see your staked balance move to Unstake pending.

Step 2: Wait for the unstaking period to complete.

It will take 5 minutes for the mindETH to become available for withdraw.

Step 3: Withdraw

Once the unstaking completes, you'll see the balance under Available to withdraw. Click Withdraw to finalize the process.

Last updated