๐ŸProduct FAQ

A frequently asked questions (FAQ) list about our product

About Restaking (MindLayer)

What is liquid restaking?

A method where Liquid Staking Token (LST) holders restake by transferring their tokens into the Mind Network smart contracts.

Recommended reading: The Hitchhikerโ€™s Guide to Restaking (by Binance Research)

*Content will continue to be added to the list...

About Stealth Address (MindSAP)

What is the stealth address and how does it work?

The stealth address (SA) is a privacy-enhancing feature in blockchain technology that allows users to receive cryptocurrency anonymously. It works by creating a one-time, unique address for each transaction, making it difficult for outside parties to track the flow of funds and protecting the recipient's identity and transaction history.

Who creates the stealth address?

The sender creates the stealth address at the initiation of the transaction, by performing computations based on the receiver's public key.

Who has control of the stealth address?

Only the receiver has control over the stealth address. The private key is derived through computation based on the receiver's private key, ensuring exclusive control for the receiver. Only the sender can work out the public key and consequently get the stealth address but does not have control over it.

Is the stealth address visible to anyone besides the sender and the receiver?

No, the stealth address is not visible to anyone besides the sender and the intended receiver. The design of stealth addresses aims to enhance privacy by concealing the recipient's actual address from third parties.


What is the registration for?

Stealth Keys will be generated and published upon registration. When you sign the message on your MetaMask, your unique Mind-specific private keys will be created. These keys let you safely use Mind Network without risking your wallet's private keys. And you don't have to store them anywhere.

Are my stealth private keys stored anywhere?

Stealth private keys are in FHE cipher text on chain and in local browser. They can only be decrypted to plain text by user's own FHE private key generated by user's signing message.

Do I have to repeat the registration process for different networks?

No, once you have completed the registration process on the Polygon Mumbai Testnet, it applies to all supported networks.


How do I make a stealth transfer?

The recipient's wallet account needs to be registered on Mind Network. Once both the sender's and receiver's accounts are registered, you can initiate a stealth transfer via stealth address.

When I receive a stealth transfer, what should I do?

You need to initiate the scanning process within our DApp to locate and identify each payment sent to you. Once the search is completed, the stealth address with the corresponding funds received will appear on the scan page.

Why will a new stealth address be generated every time I receive a stealth transfer?

By creating a unique stealth address for each transaction, it becomes more challenging for external observers or third parties to link multiple transactions to the same recipient, making it more difficult to trace and associate funds with a specific user or address.

Can I make a stealth transfer from my stealth address to a wallet account?

Yes. When conducting a stealth transfer from one of your stealth addresses, a unique stealth address will be generated for the recipient's account.

Can I transfer directly from one stealth address to another stealth address?

Currently, we don't support this feature. It might be possible soon.

What is the standard transfer for?

A standard transfer is used for withdrawing funds directly from the stealth address to a normal wallet account. By choosing this option, the funds will directly enter the wallet address without creating a stealth address. If you choose a standard transfer, the transaction will be publicly visible.

How can I preserve privacy when making a standard transfer?

The risk to be mindful of with a standard transfer is the same as with all other transfer protocols in Web3. If you choose to send to a wallet account linked to a publicly known identity, it compromises privacy. We recommend three methods for preserving privacy in a standard transfer:

  1. To a wallet account that is not publicly linked to your identity.

  2. Generate a completely new wallet account and transfer to it.

  3. Withdraw to an exchange account.


What is the intended function of the Bridge?

Our Bridge unlocks a world of possibilities when it comes to cross-chain interoperability, offering enhanced security and privacy in a range of scenarios:

  • Public Chain to Public Chain: Foster secure cross-chain transactions between different public blockchains, expanding the horizons of decentralized finance (DeFi) and enabling the free flow of digital assets. (Currently available)

  • Bank Chain to Public Chain: Securely bridge traditional finance systems to public blockchains, fostering seamless transactions while safeguarding sensitive financial data. (Under development)

  • CBDC Chain to Public Chain: Facilitate the integration of central bank digital currencies into the world of public blockchains, ensuring the privacy and security of digital assets. (Under development)

What is CCIP Bridge?

Our Bridge is built on top of Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) which is designed with a security-first mindset. CCIP is a cross-chain messaging protocol powered by Chainlink decentralized oracle networks that plans to support a variety of cross-chain dApps and token bridges. CCIP can be used to transfer data, tokens, or both data and tokens across chains. Our CCIP Bridge has enhanced privacy features by deploying Fully Homomorphic Encryption-Dual-Key Stealth Address Protocol (FHE-DKSAP) and can offer cross-chain transaction protection.

Transaction History

Is my transactional data and history protected?

Yes, Mind Network employs FHE for encryption and protect the confidentiality of your transactional data. Only the user has access to the transactional data.

Where is my transaction history stored?

Your transaction history is temporarily stored in your browser's local storage. It never leaves your device, and can't be seen on other devices as a result. But clearing browser data will also erase it. As long as you don't manually clear it, the data will remain intact. We strongly recommend downloading the transaction history before clearing to prevent data loss.

Does transaction history serve as evidence for compliance with regulations?

Yes, transactional history can be crucial for demonstrating adherence to financial regulations. Financial institutions, investment platforms, and other entities often need to maintain a transparent and auditable transaction trail to meet regulatory requirements.

Last updated