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Mind Network 101

The What

What is Mind Network?

Mind Network is a Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) Layer leading towards to the era of "HTTPZ", an end-to-end encryption internet. It is designed as a FHE computation network and brings Zero Trust principles to on-chain data security.

The Era of HTTPZ: Data Rights are Human Rights

Inspired by Zama's vision on "HTTPZ", an end to end encrypted internet, Mind Network targets more foundational challenges in Web3 to innovate data, transactions, AI, and consensus security with cutting edge Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) technologies. In Web2, most of our internet interactions are protected by HTTPS with encrypted data transformation, but not while processing, especially on the "server side", which caused constant data security issues with billions of lost every year globally. Now, as we are stepping into Web3, data is owned by users not "servers". HTTPZ becomes the cryptographically guaranteed constitution to protect our digital human rights.

The How

The Zero Trust Layer by Mind Network aims to eliminate the security fragmentation in blockchain. It introduces quantum-resistant encryption, ensuring that only the data owner has access to their information, and allows all information to be verifiable for third parties. The Zero Trust solution is built with three interconnected products:

  • MindLayer: A FHE Restaking Solution for AI & DePin networks

  • MindSAP: A FHE empowered Stealth Address Protocol (FHE DK-SAP)

  • MindLake: A FHE DataLake built on the FHE validator network through MindLayer

Last updated