🎯Encrypted Read and Write Solution

In this solution, developers could connect dapps with Mind Network to perform encrypted read and write on their encrypted data.

The How:

  • Register and create your own Data Cocoon (A secure data mat for only you)

  • Write: The data will be encrypted on the client side (dapps) by the data owner who has the private key. Then write the encrypted data to the Data Cocoon through Mind SDK.

  • Read: The data can be queried through Mind SDK and is returned to the client side (dapps) with encryption. Only the data owner who has the private key could decrypt it.

  • Store: encrypted data is persisted on Mind Network. Mind Network and its node providers have no access to this data and also no private key to decrypt it.

The What:

Encrypted read and write is a simple but widely adoptable solution for persisting private social posts, photos, videos, and highly sensitive private documents like KYC materials, legal docs, etc.

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